Saturday, December 19, 2009


It was Greggy's birthday the other day and I was invited to celebrate with them at Disneyland. I met up with them in Rancho then the adventure began. The group started off with 8 and ended with 13. It always amusing to meet very excited and vibrant shuttle drivers to anywhere, also flight attendants haha anyway I was excited because Disneyland was decked out for the holidays. All of them has season passes and have gone to Disneyland, how many times now guys in the past few months? Greggy got his Bday ticket & button and we were off to California Adventure first since they close earlier.

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The first thing we hit up was the toy story ride at California Adventure and who won? yeah Greggy won, cheat codes dude cheat codes. just kidding. Anyway in the line look what we saw ? I never seen so many children with Ed Hardy on, tisk tisk tisk to your parents man

Then we went on California Screamin' and thru up the Wu

Took a picture in front of one of the giant trees

As we waited for our fast passes to start for Tower of Terror we hung out in the Disney Animation studios, pretty awesome

Why the hell does Atlantis look like a Japanese Anime?! I think I have to watch it now

Now this will trip you out

Then we were off to Tower of Terror

We were lucky enough to be seated on one side of the cart, so we webslung the other side in the photo

Then it was time for the actual DISNEYLAND! We waited for more of the group to arrive and they posed

You can't help but look at everything at Disneyland especially with all the holiday decorations

It's a Small World was on crack with Lights and a great light & video display

The line was way too stupid long so we went to get our fast passes to Indiana Jones and went off to see the Holiday Firework show at the Castle. Which was awesome and it's hilarious if you hear everyones comments they make during the fireworks.

Right after we headed back to Indiana Jones and there were a lot of grouchy people and people being angry when we took pictures because of the brightness of our flashes. That group to the right kept getting pissed, so I even took a picture of them haha

& take more pics as we get on the ride!

Off we went to star tours where Ed Carl felt sick and we went into the story and man... I've never seen the Chewy Potatoe head!

Then we went to the Buzz Lightyear ride and Greggy did use his cheat code hahaha actually Ed Carl did it.

The last ride of the night that we wanted to hit up was Space Mountain it was just a half hour before the park was going to close so we asked if we would be able to get fast passes for our 13 person group, the guys made us do random things for them, like get a big group of random people to sing happy birthday with us to Greggy and do the chicken dance. It was done so we all got to cut everyone hahah

The park closed but this is the best time to take pics because there aren't a million people in your way to take pics

test shot

The guys jump

The group shot

Lastly we went to take pics at the California Letters,
Mickey holding Yoda

Them climbing Mickey

We saw Kanye too at 1am

It was time to split and eat at 1am do the shuttle even still run? Yeah they actually do, and the last pic of the night were the giant green cement cones of death, yeah don't try to drive into these things your car will be done

There are more pics that will be posted soon from Disneyland, from other folks cameras.

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