Monday, July 5, 2010

4TH OF JULY 2010

It's once again been years since I've celebrated this holiday in my home town. It was great to spend time with family & friends. Also the ban on fireworks had been uplifted this year, in nearly every plaza there was a fireworks stand. But I'd have to say I seen way more illegal fireworks than those that are legal. hahaha Made me think of when we use to drive on the freeway leaving the beaches around LA and seeing huge fireworks go up in the air through different cities in which we drove through, it was the same case here in Stockton. It pretty much sounded like a war movie throughout the night no matter what neighborhood you were in. The street we were on you were able to see them from standing on your drive way from street to street. BBQ, friends, family, & fire works, what a great holiday lol.

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