Monday, August 4, 2008

Beware Pringles

This is actually from a good number of months ago let me copy and paste. :) 6 December 2007 - Chinese media reports that packs of “Pringles” potato crisps have been removed from stores in Hong Kong further to a report from the mainland that potassium bromate had been found in the snacks.

Potassium bromate is a preservative allowed in small quantities in the US but banned in China, Hong Kong and other countries because tests have found it to be carcinogenic.

According to the media reports, Chinese food safety inspectors discovered the ingredient in July in a batch of imported Pringles. However, Procter & Gamble reportedly stated that the tested batch had been unofficially imported from the US.

Pringles sold in China and Hong Kong are manufactured in mainland China and contain no potassium bromate, according to Procter & Gamble.

Hong Kong's Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has started an investigation, add the reports.

Meanwhile, newspaper reports from China this morning say that P&G Taiwan Ltd will also launch an investigation to determine whether Pringles potato chips sold in Taiwan contain potassium bromate.

The company’s Taiwanese branch reportedly made the remarks in response to earlier press reports.

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