Wednesday, February 17, 2010


For once I got to celebrate with my cousin Heather on her birthday after all of these years that I've been away. I was a casual dinner @ Shi Ra Soni with what about 25 of us? lol Taking up 3 tables at the place, which means 3 chefs. (Those that aren't from the area, this place is a local Benihana for us, not as expensive but it's the same concept.)

Did you guys ever notice that tiger is on the sign and menus?

It was good to see everyone from my cousins to my friends because damn it's always a long time for me to see everyone. As we wait we take photos, and talk about of course... randomness.

This video is of the chef starting to cook the veggies, but it's funny if you watch it if you hear Jun and Rocky hella joking around that our chef at our table was better than the other one haha & also the Ooo's and Ahh's of people at the table despite the fact that this hasn't been out first time to this place hahaha but it shows we all have fun

As the meat cooked, Heath noticed me taking pictures haha

Jun pretending to be a chef and doing some moves from Tahitian in highschool, Also Heath's cookie/cake came. This is our type of home movies now :) hahaha

Happy birthday Heath!

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