Monday, January 25, 2010


Good things to take in, learning a lot again each day, getting my fitness on, spending time with my families, my little buddies, eating well, and educating myself in many ways.

Me & Spunk taking a walk, the two of us the brightest things on the block

His facial expression cracked me up, we were on our way to the pet shop, to buy him a cone. No money to take him to the vet, so I'm resorting other solutions to his ear troubles. At least keeping it clean and keeping him from touching & scratching the crap out of it. This pic reminds me hot big his eyes are and reminds me of the time his eye was popping out, if you don't believe me look up Proptosis

He wasn't too happy about it but he understands why I got it for him

These bad boys; Nike Aids laces got a new home on my Frees

Nights were you can eat well with cousins you've grown up with. It's always good to see them and spend time with them. Thank you Jack for the dinner.

This... was so... DELICIOUS (greggy go get this at cold stone!)

Lastly the most random thing I ran into this weekend, walking out of my house looking down the street I see this giant Jumper block the entrance into a court. I wish I was able to go in it

The readings of this weekend

& working on & re-reading

I'm still reading earthfire as well

Also waiting on calls and working on other things.

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