Saturday, February 9, 2008

Bronchitis: I got it...

So I've been sick for nearly two weeks, Riding my bike in the cold and the days have been getting warms probably haven't helped either. By the way, I have asthma, so this is why I'm kinda not happy when people smoke around me. But yeah I finally got checked and what not the physician (who attended Western University in Pomona, a school I'm going to apply to) told me it's bronchitis. This shit sucks because I'm coughing up the nastiest green shit throughout the day also the breathing is kinda hard on me. But yeah and man medication sucks when you don't have the money fun.. right? I droped 90 for pills I need only for 5 days and a brand new inhaler. So wack so save your money and dont get sick.


six said...
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six said...

"i goooot it".....or is it "geeeett it"