Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Hip Hop Heads that Love Punk & Metal

Ok I love how I meet some of the most random people growing up and moving from place to place. Growing up with all types of music in the house, mom played piano & guitar, dad loved classic & funk, while my brother got me into the stuff we grew up to. But I bet many of you that didn't now me in the past, didn't realize how much I love punk and rock. LOL Oddly enough all of us in the GSP crew played guitar wanted to start a band but it's funny how things change and now my hands on the realm of the hip hop community at Cal Poly Pomona. It was forever until Nov. 2007 since I've even listend or went anywhere near the punk scene but me and (my punk rock counter part) Kiko hit up an Anti-Flag show.

Drink a beer before the punk show

And fuck yeah I use to be in LOVE with Justin Sane!!!

O yeah the entire crowd became a mosh pit and I got kicked in the lip! LOL soooo good and so much fun!

Here's video of them at Hellfest

Also I met NagaSHIMASaki (MISHIMA) lol but yeah this boy I remember seeing him while I worked at Bamboozle West, I stood on stage during Murs' set and noticed out of this crowd od indie & emo kids were a good handful of people who like Murs. But yeah long story short, Mishima ended up hitting up about Session A, joined the committee and he happend to be crazy hardcore boy! He chills and performs with the band Winds of Plague! check out the video. LOL

they didn't even realize it but they were standing next to each other.

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